Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chapter 13: Methods of Discovery

Pick one other concept in the book that you feel needs further discussion? (You can choose from ANY chapter in the book).

Telecommuting in my opinion needs further discussion because we are an ever changing world we are moving towards technology and it makes sense that people should be able to work from their home, their hotel room, or even in their chair at the beach. Not that we can't already do this; I just feel that the mention of the distance that it creates in families isn't as negative as our text makes it out to be. I have many friends who work from home and feel free to wear what they want and not spend large amounts of money of work clothes, and they do not have to pay for daycare, unless they want to.

Chapter 13: Methods of Discovery

· What concept/s in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about that concept/s that you found interesting.

I would have to say that I enjoyed all of chapter twelve because it was about Intercultural Communication and how we interact, define, and communicate with other cultures. I especially like the term collectivism and how it brings cultures together and their shared identity is more important than their personal identity. We Americans are what is called an indivualistic culture, where we value ourselfes, our decisions, and our own opinions and can care less about others. I would like to think that over time this will change and we will become a more loving and caring people.

I found these two concepts so interesting because I think that if people started caring about their neighbors, co-workers, or strangers more we wouldn't be such a failing country. I feel that we are always extending our hand as a country to help those in need, but is it ever our true American hand, or just the idea of the American Red Cross, The Peace Corps, or any other agency that steps in when catastrophe hits? Why can't we show our fellow country men and women that same courtesy, right here at home, on a daily basis? I think that America would be a better place if we were to be less individualistic and a little more collective.

Chapter 13: Methods of Discovery

· (Regarding Chapter 13) Which of the research methods listed in Table 13.3 seem the most interesting? Assume you want to study some aspect of deception. Frame a research question. Which method would you choose to answer the question. Why?

In Table 13.3 Ethnography seems the most interesting because I would get to be a part of a culture and experience their daily norms, values, and traditions. I am not sure whether I would want to do my research covertly or overtly because I believe both have positive and negative aspects. By choosing to take an overt role I would be disguising myself so that noone would know that I was conducting research which is good because no one would be acting any other way other than they usually do. However, I would be lying to people and this would probably make me feel horrible, so, if I choose to take an overt role and conduct my research, I would enter the field as a scientist and everyone would know that I was observing them and their culture for the purpose of research and study. This could pose a problem because people may not act themselves if they know I am observing them and taking notes, but I would feel better about my research and the subjects and their culture that I am studying because I was being honest.

As, for studying deception my research question would be: Is watching porn considered cheating? I would use choose Survey Research to answer this question because I think that people would answer truthfully on a survey rather than face-to-face questions.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 11: Communication and the Mass Media

· Do you agree with Marshall McLuhan that the medium is the message, i.e. that the format or logic of a medium is as important as its content and, in fact, determines what content will be broadcast through that channel? Evaluate his idea that television is a cool medium.

I agree somewhat with Marshall McLauhan that medium is the message because there are different messages sent with different mediums. Take for instance the radio, it could be music, news reports, or interviews and all of these messages affect the way we experience the world.

However, McLauhan states that print media transmit information in an orderly sequence; I disagree with this notion because print media is not all orderly. Take for instance magazines that bombard you with many different ads on a single page, added with vivid colors, and eye popping photos; how can this be idea after idea, or orderly?.

In addition, I disagree when McLuhan states that print media encourage rationality and individuality. How could that be possible when all media have ulterior motives and have already decided what they want us to think, feel, and act like? In media culture, in is hard to think rationally and distinguish between fiction and reality. When a person repeatedly sees in print media a certain body image, car they should drive, or clothes that are popular, they will feel pressure to follow the message. Some don’t, but the majority of people do!

I find McLuhan’s idea that television is a cool medium very interesting because it does leave a lot for the viewer to fill in as they see fit. Television leaves much to our imaginations and therefore much room for filling in the gaps. Television as a cool medium can be compared to a cartoon that also leaves much room for interpretation. Both television and cartoons do leave a lot of room for different interpretations and encoding.

Have a great weekend:)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chapter 11:Communication and the Mass Media

· Have you made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace? If so, how are they different from f2f relationships? If you have not formed cyber relationships, why not?
No, I have never made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace, not because I wouldn’t; I just haven’t. I guess when I stop and think about why I haven’t, I would have to say it’s because I never really thought about it. I have so many friends already and not to mention my family and co-workers, but I also think I don’t have much extra time to venture into making friends exclusively in cyberspace, but I am not saying it wouldn’t be fun to meet someone from a different country and culture because it would be a great experience.
However, I do feel that there is a lot of misinformation that could be presented on cyberspace because you can be whoever you want to be, have any occupation, and say you look like what ever you want to. Someone could even post a picture that isn’t of them. I am not saying that there aren’t true honest folks out there; I am saying it’s just a little scary.

Happy Blogging:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter 11:Communication and the Mass Media

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I especially liked how our text pointed out how "Politicians have a love-hate relationship with the media. Quick to criticize media coverage if it is negative, they also are quick to seize the limelight." (pg. 297)

It is interesting how we viewers suck up messages sent to us via mass media, but rarely stop and think about how much filtering is done before the final draft is sent to us. What if we got to see both sides of this love-hate relationship that Politicians have with the media. What do you think that would look like? Would it be more like a reality television show? Or do we have expectations of what we think certain prominent figures should look like? I pondered this thought for a long while and came to the conclusion that we humans filter what we don't want people to know or see about us everyday in our friendships, relationships, and work environment. The media is just another avenue of expression, but with a much wider reach. Would you agree?

So, are we any different than Politicians and their love-hate relationship with the media when we do our own filtering of what we want to be visible and we want invisible?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chapter 8: Organizational Communication

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Network Roles were super intersting to read because I immediately started to think of all my co-workers and what role they would fit in. I began assessing my co-workers and myself and was able to put my co-workers in roles that I thought suited them and I even picked a role for myself. Even more intersting is when I began to think of the roles that my co-workers would place themselves in and me.

I am definitely the Boundary spanner or cosmolite in my company because even though I work for Plumas Crisis Intervention and Resource Center I run their Indian Valley Resource Center in Greenville all by myself and I do have contact with many individuals outside of our organization who bring valuable information to our organization.

Intersting stuff to think about:)

Have a great week!