Monday, September 29, 2008

Chapter 3, Listening and Perception Chapter 4, Encoding Messages:Spoken Language

~ Is it possible to perceive others without in some way judging or categorizing them? If so, how? If not, how can we make our judgments we do make more fair?
I cannot think of a situation that I was in that I did not make some sort of assumption and/or judgments about a person that I met, was talking to, or listening to. Without knowing someone, it is easy to try and fit them into a category because it is something that makes us comfortable. We often use person prototypes to help us identify and classify people. The media is a big part of this process and shows us who is who and how they fit into a certain categories and they nonverbally show us how we can fit into any given category by showing us what we would have to look like, what we would have to have, how much money we would have to make, and how we would have to behave.
We can make our judgments more fair by being aware of the assumptions and judgments that we are making, taking a moment to get to know the person, and by taking into account the surroundings which we may be influencing our thoughts.

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