Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 6: Chapter 3, Lisrening and Perception, Chapter 4, Encoding Messages: Spoken Language

~ Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I particularly liked the concept of active listening in chapter 3 because even I am guilty of not always being an active listener and I am aware of how it makes me feel and by reading about the importance of active listening in chapter 3, I began to consider the dimensions of perception, interpretation, hurt, and confusion that a speaker and often myself may feel and I was able to give my own feelings an identity.
When I would talk to someone and they would not actively listen, it made me feel like I wasn't important, it hurt my feelings, and I felt taken advantage of because I would divulge personal, vulnerable, and/or intimate information and get almost no response. It feels horrible!
Reading about active listening reminds me to constantly do a check to make sure I am listening with all five senses, with my heart and soul, and most importantly that I am present and being active in the conversation.

Have a great weekend:)

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