Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 9: Chapter 12, Intercultural Communication

● Do you agree with anthropologist Ruth Benedict that we are “creatures of our culture” and that our habits, beliefs, and impossibilities are shaped by our culture? If so, how can we break through the limits of our cultures?

I do believe that to a certain degree we are creatures of our culture because as babies and young children are thoughts, habits, beliefs, and impossibilities are socially created for us by our parents, guardians, grandparents, or whoever raises us.

However, I do believe we can break through the limits of our cultures because I did. I was raised to think one way, act a certain way, dress a certain way, talk a certain way, and to view the world in a very specific way. By opening my eyes and seeing through different lenses the different cultures and venturing out of my family circle I began to explore new ideas and gained such a respect for other cultures that were different than my own belief system. Another way to break through the limits of our cultures in through education.

I must admit it wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but it was the best thing I ever did.

Happy Blogging:)


chocoyuko said...

I totally agree with you that we can break through the limits of our cultures in though education because one of the things that broaden my perspective was education. I majored in cultural anthropology, and learned history from different perspectives, people in different cultures, and issues from different point of views. I believe taking this course will also open another door to see the world differently.
Living a different country was such a difficult time for me, but I never regretted that I did it. I always recommend other people to study abroad or travel different places because we can gain something worth more than hard times we experience.

Have a good week!

LicizPieciz said...

I completely agree with your insight about us being creatures of our culture because through our upbringings and our traditions we are taught certain ways to live however there are ways that they can be broken. In our situation you were able to break through it because it was the best for your personal choices and your way of living. Either way, you maneuvered through it to be a creature of a new culture. This way you were still embedded in a culture that you became a part of.