Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 11: Communication and the Mass Media

· Do you agree with Marshall McLuhan that the medium is the message, i.e. that the format or logic of a medium is as important as its content and, in fact, determines what content will be broadcast through that channel? Evaluate his idea that television is a cool medium.

I agree somewhat with Marshall McLauhan that medium is the message because there are different messages sent with different mediums. Take for instance the radio, it could be music, news reports, or interviews and all of these messages affect the way we experience the world.

However, McLauhan states that print media transmit information in an orderly sequence; I disagree with this notion because print media is not all orderly. Take for instance magazines that bombard you with many different ads on a single page, added with vivid colors, and eye popping photos; how can this be idea after idea, or orderly?.

In addition, I disagree when McLuhan states that print media encourage rationality and individuality. How could that be possible when all media have ulterior motives and have already decided what they want us to think, feel, and act like? In media culture, in is hard to think rationally and distinguish between fiction and reality. When a person repeatedly sees in print media a certain body image, car they should drive, or clothes that are popular, they will feel pressure to follow the message. Some don’t, but the majority of people do!

I find McLuhan’s idea that television is a cool medium very interesting because it does leave a lot for the viewer to fill in as they see fit. Television leaves much to our imaginations and therefore much room for filling in the gaps. Television as a cool medium can be compared to a cartoon that also leaves much room for interpretation. Both television and cartoons do leave a lot of room for different interpretations and encoding.

Have a great weekend:)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chapter 11:Communication and the Mass Media

· Have you made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace? If so, how are they different from f2f relationships? If you have not formed cyber relationships, why not?
No, I have never made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace, not because I wouldn’t; I just haven’t. I guess when I stop and think about why I haven’t, I would have to say it’s because I never really thought about it. I have so many friends already and not to mention my family and co-workers, but I also think I don’t have much extra time to venture into making friends exclusively in cyberspace, but I am not saying it wouldn’t be fun to meet someone from a different country and culture because it would be a great experience.
However, I do feel that there is a lot of misinformation that could be presented on cyberspace because you can be whoever you want to be, have any occupation, and say you look like what ever you want to. Someone could even post a picture that isn’t of them. I am not saying that there aren’t true honest folks out there; I am saying it’s just a little scary.

Happy Blogging:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter 11:Communication and the Mass Media

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I especially liked how our text pointed out how "Politicians have a love-hate relationship with the media. Quick to criticize media coverage if it is negative, they also are quick to seize the limelight." (pg. 297)

It is interesting how we viewers suck up messages sent to us via mass media, but rarely stop and think about how much filtering is done before the final draft is sent to us. What if we got to see both sides of this love-hate relationship that Politicians have with the media. What do you think that would look like? Would it be more like a reality television show? Or do we have expectations of what we think certain prominent figures should look like? I pondered this thought for a long while and came to the conclusion that we humans filter what we don't want people to know or see about us everyday in our friendships, relationships, and work environment. The media is just another avenue of expression, but with a much wider reach. Would you agree?

So, are we any different than Politicians and their love-hate relationship with the media when we do our own filtering of what we want to be visible and we want invisible?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chapter 8: Organizational Communication

· Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Network Roles were super intersting to read because I immediately started to think of all my co-workers and what role they would fit in. I began assessing my co-workers and myself and was able to put my co-workers in roles that I thought suited them and I even picked a role for myself. Even more intersting is when I began to think of the roles that my co-workers would place themselves in and me.

I am definitely the Boundary spanner or cosmolite in my company because even though I work for Plumas Crisis Intervention and Resource Center I run their Indian Valley Resource Center in Greenville all by myself and I do have contact with many individuals outside of our organization who bring valuable information to our organization.

Intersting stuff to think about:)

Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chapter 8: Organizational Communication

· Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text. Respond to each one. Have you ever been bothered by cell phone, answering machines, or beepers? What do you feel about call waiting? Is it rude to put people on hold to take another call?

Cellular phones: I completely agree with this etiquette rule because it is not polite, considerate, or respectful to intrude on someone else's privacy or intimate time by answering your cell phone in a class, a restaurant, or movie.

Answering machines: I don't really agree with this etiquette rule because I do feel that it is a convenience to its owner and I do not feel pressured to think about the message I leave on my machine to please others. Also, I think that people who leave me messages most always know me in one way or another and I love listening to the funny, intersesting, and sometimes vague messages that are left because I know how to encode them. I especially like it when a friend leaves a message that I understand, but anyone else probably wouldn't because we know eachother and many times we have sayings, phrases, or jokes that we get because of the nature of our friendship.

Conference calls: This one is interesting because I have never been in on a conference call, but do agree with the etiquette rules stated in our text. That would be horribly rude to hear a sarcastic remark from someone who doesn't think others can hear, not mention the embarrassment they might feel if they were notified of their behavior. Not to mention to the repercussions it could have on the company they represent and their job with that company.

Faxes: I never really considered this rule and how it suggests calling ahead to ask if it is okay to fax at a certain time. However, I admit that you can never be too considerate.

Timing Your Communications: This is a good! Totally agree with it and yet I have done it so many times. I will be more aware of my timing and how dangerous it can be to call someone when they are driving. It will also help me to filter out what can wait and what is an emergency and can't wait.

Screen names and Ring Tones: LOL :) When I was younger I thought of so many funny screen names, but they surely wouldn't be appropiate for everyone or for work purposes. And the ring tone is funny too! I kind of flip flop on this one because when I hear someone else's phone go off and a specific song comes on it in a very small way lets me know something about them and the kind of music they like. Or how that song has some significance with the caller. But I can see how certain lyrics would be inappropiate in certain arenas.

And yes, I have been bothered by cell phones when I am at the movies. It is so annoying! I can understand if it is an emergency, but in my experiences it hasn't been.

Call waiting is cool and is essential to me because I have kids, family, and friends who may have an emergency and can still get through even when I am on the phone. Also, I do the Crisis Line in Plumas County and I can still allow myself, fiance, and kids to use the phone and still take a crisis call if the beep in on the other line. The deciding factors for me when putting someone on hold are first what is the importance of my current conversation, do I feel like answering the other line, and could it be an emergency. It would be rude to put people on hold if the other person thought it was rude and I hope they would tell me. Maybe I am being presumptious, but that's the way I am:)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Chapter 8: Organizational Communication

· How are organizations tied to the environment? What is the relationship between the school you attend and the city or town in which it is situated? What, if any, ethical obligations does an organization like a college or university have to the local community

Organizations are tied to the environment in that they are dependent on a healthy respect and relationship with eachother. However, many of us know that this doesn't always happen.

The relationship between the school I attend and the city or town in which it is situated is in my opinion a reciprical one. SJSU brings tons of business to the city through housing needs, shopping, and food. Unfortunately, it also creates a lot of congested traffic and lack of parking for residents and students alike. In addition, the business SJSU brings may create pressure for the city and the residents living in the surrounding area. It can be positive and it can also be negative, depending on who you ask. Another issue that may arise is litter, loud parties, and a negative impact on the environment. I would think that residents who live in and around a college expect certain things that go along with college life, but they may also have expectations of the individuals to maintain and upkeep their neighborhood.

The ethical obligations that a college or university should have towards a community are, but not limited to, respect for others that share the same space, inclusion to meetings, notification of expansions of the college or any decisions that will be made on structures, ask for input about what communities think about the college and their organization, notice and invites to concerts and sporting events, a consideration of the community and its resources, and an over all good relationship with its neighbors.

Happy Blogging:)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication

*Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I found the pattern of spirals as a dysfunctional pattern to be very interesting. I have an experience that is very personal, but I feel comfortable sharing it.
I was married at age 19 to a man who was ten years older than me. We had our first child when I was 20 and a second when I was 22. I thought we had a good marriage with all of the usual things that go along with relationships. We had our disagreements, disappointments, and fights, but I felt that we were both willing to work through them by communicating with one another.
A few years had gone by and we began to fight about little things and then I began to question my husband’s late nights at work. I suspected he was having an affair, but didn’t want to assume. When I did ask him he would become very upset and tell me that he was working extra hours so that we could save money and couldn’t believe that I was thinking he was having an affair. I would then feel like a huge ass for thinking such horrible things. I really beat myself up about it.
Well, these conversations continued for many months and caused much heartache, distance, distrust, and confusion for me. I didn’t know what to think, feel, or believe. My gut feeling was telling me that he was having an affair, but he adamantly denied it every time. I felt like I was going crazy and loosing my mind! My husband’s actions ~ nonverbal behavior did not match his verbal denials of an affair. I would go back and forth about my feelings of punishing myself for accusing him, but my inner voice was telling me that something wasn’t right.
Sadly, on a cold November day when I was at home I got a phone call from a girl named Lisa telling me that she was a good Christian and could not bear to continue this affair with my husband. I was devastated, horrified, angry, and hurt. I called my husband at work and asked that he please come home so we could talk. He did and I confronted him about what I had just heard and he denied the entire thing. So, I called this girl and asked her to come over to my house so that we talk and didn’t tell my husband that she would be there when he got home from work. (I had my sister come and get the kids). He then admitted the affair and we all talked. Just thinking about this is exhausting! My husband and I separated six months later and have co-parented our children. We have become good friends and have beyond our past. It wasn’t easy!
So, my question is: Did I cause my husband to cheat by accusing him of having an affair? Was I driving him away from me as suggested in our text? Is this an example of regressive spiral or interpersonal self-fulfilling prophecy? Or did my husband choose to have an affair regardless of my gut feelings and my question?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication

*Think about the filters you use to eliminate people from consideration as potential romantic partners. What characteristics or behaviors lead you to judge others as unattractive? Does Duck's theory make sense to you? Have you ever eliminated someone by using a sociological or pre-interaction cue only to reconsider them based on interaction and cognitive cues?

The filters I have used to eliminate people from consideration as potential romantic partners sociological or incidental cues, physical proximity, preinteraction cues, interaction cues, and cognitive cues. Yup, I have used them allJ
The characteristics or behaviors that lead me to judge others as unattractive are awkward and difficult conversations, little feedback in a conversation, lack of confidence, little to no sense of humor, nonverbal behavior that I encode as negative, and bad hygiene.

Yes, Duck’s theory makes sense to me because whether we know it or not, on some level we do have an idea of the kind of partner we would like and we do go through a process to see who might be a possible date and who will be just a friend, and sometimes who we hope to never see again.
Yes, I have eliminated someone by using the pre-interaction cue, but not the sociological cue. I place a high emphasis on nonverbal messages and most times they do all the talking needed.

Happy BloggingJ

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication

1. Which pattern (rigid complementarity, competitive symmetry, or submissive symmetry) do you think would be the most difficult to change? Why? Which would be the most damaging to a relationship? Which would be the most potentially damaging to the self-esteem of the individuals involved?

In these rigid role relationships, I think submissive symmetry would be the most difficult to change because when two parties struggle to relinquish control they make statements or propositions that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Each partner doesn’t want o make decisions or be in control, but is trying to force the other partner to make a decision and be in control.

However, I think competitive symmetry would be the most damaging to a relationship because partners are always struggling to out do and have a one-up position on the other partner. This is not healthy because it does create room to be you, but creates an environment of constant competition. Eventually, one partner, or both, could begin to resent the other partner for feeling pushed to perfection.

I also think that competitive symmetry would be the most potentially damaging to self- esteem of the individuals involved because thoughts may begin to enter a partners mind that they are never good enough. More importantly, one may begin to think that they will never be loved, respected, or accepted for not wanting to compete to be the top dog.