Monday, November 10, 2008

Chapter 8: Organizational Communication

· How are organizations tied to the environment? What is the relationship between the school you attend and the city or town in which it is situated? What, if any, ethical obligations does an organization like a college or university have to the local community

Organizations are tied to the environment in that they are dependent on a healthy respect and relationship with eachother. However, many of us know that this doesn't always happen.

The relationship between the school I attend and the city or town in which it is situated is in my opinion a reciprical one. SJSU brings tons of business to the city through housing needs, shopping, and food. Unfortunately, it also creates a lot of congested traffic and lack of parking for residents and students alike. In addition, the business SJSU brings may create pressure for the city and the residents living in the surrounding area. It can be positive and it can also be negative, depending on who you ask. Another issue that may arise is litter, loud parties, and a negative impact on the environment. I would think that residents who live in and around a college expect certain things that go along with college life, but they may also have expectations of the individuals to maintain and upkeep their neighborhood.

The ethical obligations that a college or university should have towards a community are, but not limited to, respect for others that share the same space, inclusion to meetings, notification of expansions of the college or any decisions that will be made on structures, ask for input about what communities think about the college and their organization, notice and invites to concerts and sporting events, a consideration of the community and its resources, and an over all good relationship with its neighbors.

Happy Blogging:)


chocoyuko said...

I agree with you that living around college is different from living in other places because there are some expectations. As there is a word “University town”, college and town are strongly connected. College creates a special atmosphere because of students. There might be many fast-food restaurants, cafés, and clubs like downtown San Jose because many students utilize them. Thus, it might be noisy at night too.
Like you mentioned, students need to be aware of people who are not students around campus. Even though college is nearby, the spaces around it is a public space. I think events that connect students and citizens are important because it creates a good living atmosphere for both living around campus.

me010400 said...

I agree 100% with everything that you said in your blog. I also think that people who move into the surrounding neighborhood of a college are bound to know what comes along with it. Yes, of course its busy congested and the parking really sucks, however that with any part of downtown San Jose.

Yes, I do agree that we as college student should be more considerate of our surroundings and noise level, however we are just college students and most of the time that is not on the top of our priority list. Its not just the college that causes all the chaos, its also the "Night Life" of downtown San Jose, this brings in people from all over who are not normal residence of this city.

Lastly I dont think there is really much that can be done because downtown San Jose has so much to offer and is busy as it is, what can we really do to try and tame things down??

zamoradesign said...

I also believe that the University needs to be visible in its attempts to create harmony within the community. I have lived here in San Jose for more than 38 years and in those years SJSU has never struck me as a place where "things happened". Things may have been happening, but either the school or the administration failed to promote the good work of the student body or the amazing faculty that walked the halls. I wonder if there has ever been an audit of the communications organization at the college? Will the new president create communication structures that will benefit the school? Will more potential students look to SJSU as a place to receive a quality education?

LicizPieciz said...

great blog! I really enjoyed readying your insights on how the relationship between schools and the environment are pertinent to the ways organizations are involved. SJSU does bring a load of needs to their students for all different areas that are crucial to the success of the student. A community needs the support of its community and of its residents to improve the ways they coexist with one another for the sake of its environment and people.

JP-Comm 105 said...

You are right on with your assesment of how colleges effect the towns they are in an visa versa. Colleges tend to make a town what the town is by creating jobs, infrastructure, and business. However, due to the density of a campus it can be problematic in that it is difficult to design resources to adequately handle parking, waste removal, congestion, crime, and housing. Often there are less desireable areas directly surrounding a college campus due to the high concentration of fraternities and college students living full time. Most of this in the case of SJSU is offset by the fact that the college brings so many positive aspects to the community. It is a great place for people to get educated, meet others that have common goals, and to create a sense of community.