Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chapter 8: Organizational Communication

· Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text. Respond to each one. Have you ever been bothered by cell phone, answering machines, or beepers? What do you feel about call waiting? Is it rude to put people on hold to take another call?

Cellular phones: I completely agree with this etiquette rule because it is not polite, considerate, or respectful to intrude on someone else's privacy or intimate time by answering your cell phone in a class, a restaurant, or movie.

Answering machines: I don't really agree with this etiquette rule because I do feel that it is a convenience to its owner and I do not feel pressured to think about the message I leave on my machine to please others. Also, I think that people who leave me messages most always know me in one way or another and I love listening to the funny, intersesting, and sometimes vague messages that are left because I know how to encode them. I especially like it when a friend leaves a message that I understand, but anyone else probably wouldn't because we know eachother and many times we have sayings, phrases, or jokes that we get because of the nature of our friendship.

Conference calls: This one is interesting because I have never been in on a conference call, but do agree with the etiquette rules stated in our text. That would be horribly rude to hear a sarcastic remark from someone who doesn't think others can hear, not mention the embarrassment they might feel if they were notified of their behavior. Not to mention to the repercussions it could have on the company they represent and their job with that company.

Faxes: I never really considered this rule and how it suggests calling ahead to ask if it is okay to fax at a certain time. However, I admit that you can never be too considerate.

Timing Your Communications: This is a good! Totally agree with it and yet I have done it so many times. I will be more aware of my timing and how dangerous it can be to call someone when they are driving. It will also help me to filter out what can wait and what is an emergency and can't wait.

Screen names and Ring Tones: LOL :) When I was younger I thought of so many funny screen names, but they surely wouldn't be appropiate for everyone or for work purposes. And the ring tone is funny too! I kind of flip flop on this one because when I hear someone else's phone go off and a specific song comes on it in a very small way lets me know something about them and the kind of music they like. Or how that song has some significance with the caller. But I can see how certain lyrics would be inappropiate in certain arenas.

And yes, I have been bothered by cell phones when I am at the movies. It is so annoying! I can understand if it is an emergency, but in my experiences it hasn't been.

Call waiting is cool and is essential to me because I have kids, family, and friends who may have an emergency and can still get through even when I am on the phone. Also, I do the Crisis Line in Plumas County and I can still allow myself, fiance, and kids to use the phone and still take a crisis call if the beep in on the other line. The deciding factors for me when putting someone on hold are first what is the importance of my current conversation, do I feel like answering the other line, and could it be an emergency. It would be rude to put people on hold if the other person thought it was rude and I hope they would tell me. Maybe I am being presumptious, but that's the way I am:)


emadden said...

Hi Cherry,
I enjoyed your blog. A lot of your opinions about the different forms of etiquette are similar to mine. I agree with you about "Call waiting", but in a different sense. I would imagine that if I had kids, I would want call waiting in case of an emergency. For me, call waiting is nice because I do not like to miss calls that could be important for school, work, or other commitments I have. I also mentioned that call waiting does not bother me just because it is part of my generation, and since I grew up with it, I do not find it offensive. However, leaving someone on the other line waiting for a long time is inappropriate unless it is an emergency/serious situation you are dealing with. (in my opinion)...

Thanks Cherry!

TheBloggingProf said...
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TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Cherry! I heard on the Today Show a few months back that people generally hold the same opinion as you do, cell phone in some public places are rude. If this is somewhat of a common opinion, why do you think people still engage in this behavior? Good post! :)

Cherry said...

It is hard for me to assume why people engage in conversations on thier cell phones, but I will give you my opinion.

Cell phones make people feel conected to others and almost popular. Also, I think that the media provides its viewers with positive images of others always on their cell phones and people often take the media at face value and do not digest what they view and think they want to be just like the people on TV.

Another opinion is that people have lost their manners when it comes to answering their cell phones in theatres and restaurants. And maybe the whole idea that America is an individualistic country backs up this idea that, "I can do whatever I want to, when I want to, and wherever I want to."

These are just a few of my opinions:)


Annabo said...

Nice blog! :) I totally agree with you on the ring tones. Although they may not be appropriate for all situations, it does let me gain insight as to a person's sense of humor. I do understand about the call waiting. If I am talking about going shopping with a friend and I get a call waiting from someone I haven't talked to in awhile (or am waiting for urgent or important news), I do not feel as rude if I take the incoming call. But I can understand why some people would think it's rude. As a nanny, I am open to answering call waiting if I need to pick up one of the kids earlier or later than usual.